segunda-feira, maio 15

Cena observada esta tarde no Metrô de São Paulo.

The veranda of the central building was illuminated from open french windows, save where the black shadows of stripling walls and the fantastic shadows of iron chairs slithered into a gladiolus bed. From the figures that shuffled between the rooms Miss Warren emerged first in glimpses and then sharply when she saw him; as she crossed the threshould her face caught the room's last light and broght it outside with her. She walked to a rhythm - all that week there had been singing in her ears, summer songs of ardent skies and wild shade, and with his arrival the singing had become so loud she could have joined in with it.

1 Comentários:

Anonymous Anônimo disse...

Deixa eu te falar. Olha bem nos meus olhos e repita comigo: this is not America... Acho que os últimos acontecimentos estão te fazendo acreditar que você está em N¥, 11 de september 2001. Ô Zé, não fique bravo,
linda a cena que descreveu... beijos preocupados, claudia.


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